Flourescent Bulbs of Hope  

Posted by Mike Sharrow

I'm cheap. Well, I prefer to say frugal, financially efficient, dollar-smart, and other more complimentary terms. Last year I swapped out 90% of the old fashioned light bulbs in my house for those spiral-coil looking "high efficiency flourescent" because it would save me something like 20% in related energy costs over the next 5 years. This past weekend I sold my Mazda6 and bought a used Civic off of Craigslist because I'd save 50% in fuel costs (which is some real $$ these days). Ask my wife or any of my close friends and they'll tell you I can be an efficiency geek sometimes.

(Okay, now that I'm done confessing my personal oddities)

Efficiency is an alluring concept. The basic premise is that being optimally effective is accomplished by eliminating drain, drag and distraction. In bulbs its minimizing the flow of watts needed to generate light. For cars its how to maximize the combustion of fuel. Swimmers and runners will tell you breathing is about rhythm, depth and how you exhale. It's not just doing more with less, but doing less of what is not critical so you can do more that is mission critical.

As Christians we need to apply this truth principle beyond just the life of commercial expenses and busyness - into our spiritual and relational existence. Cut to the chase, avoid the snare of purposeless pursuits, free yourself from the chains and sins that "so easily ensnare us."

With that, I thought Pastor Jeff's recent devotional (http://www.pastorjeffharris.com/) was powerful. There are some 1 liners in this short posting that warrant pause and consideration:

Ecclesiastes 7:9
Do not be eager in your heart to be angry, for anger resides in the bosom of fools. (NASB)

Warrior Poet*,
The ebb and flow of everyday provides ample opportunity
for aggravation and provocation. The emotional energy and fruitless
spiritual wattage wasted on empty conversations or churning over petty
irritations can sap you of your kingdom effectiveness, so guard your
heart. There are those who critique and those who tease, as well as the
jaded and hopeless who are sarcastic and cynical. Your soul must be
guarded by the setting of your mind on the things above and by choosing to
identify the trivial and distracting from the main. Do not let the agenda
of fools drain you of your focus, joy and effectiveness. The world is full
of jesters to amuse and distract—remain vigilant and guard your heart.

This entry was posted at Tuesday, April 29, 2008 . You can follow any responses to this entry through the comments feed .

2 thoughts and responses

This is wonderful--frugal is good! I love efficiency geeks. I loved both "The emotional energy and fruitless spiritual wattage wasted on empty conversations or churning over petty irritations can sap you of your kingdom effectiveness, so guard your heart" and "Do not let the agenda of fools drain you of your focus, joy and effectiveness." I may tape that quote to my computer--and then unplug my phones.

April 29, 2008 at 4:18 PM

In this day and age I think being frugal is almost a necessity. We all need to watch what we do with our recourses. Which is why I'm curious why we would spend such a large amount of money to build another building that will sit empty 6 days a week, yet we will have electricity and other utilities running to it and cost to maintain it. If all we need is a little class room space just throw in a couple of the "portable” type buildings that our children use every day in the northside public school system. Those I’m sure would be much more efficient and frugal.

May 9, 2008 at 8:25 AM

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